
Tuscarawas Ohio

Tusc Co. Courthouse
Currently I am in New Philadelphia, Ohio. This is Tuscarawas county.

Tusc County, in east-central Ohio, was founded in 1808 and has had a few different county seats. The county seat is currently New Philadelphia. which is about 30 minutes away from Cambridge, OH which is, I feel, the closest hub to get to it easily.

I find the town to be fairly easy to navigate and there looks to be quite a bit of variety in the way of restaurants.

My favorite part of the town so far is how most of New Philly is located in densely packed sections. Most of the hotels and dining are within a block of one another. Another section is downtown, which is only a minute drive from the hotel. I haven't traveled around downtown other than working but it seems like everything is pretty close to one another as well.

My least favorite has to be the traffic. For such a small town, I feel like the roads are pretty dangerous to cross and it is tricky to get around even in a car. There have been several occasions where I have almost been run over while walking across a crosswalk with the crossing light on.

I have been here for about a week, I have had some good food already. Hopefully tomorrow I will have up my first review.

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